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Game for visual perception Shape-based perception, visual differentiation, size perception, shape constancy, but also perception of spatial position and spatial relationships as well as eye-hand coordination: In early learning in preschool programs and also in the first two years of school during reading, writing and arithmetic play a central role as a prerequisite for visual perception. The schubi ToGo game series offers games for key areas of visual perception. Whether it’s the Aryans and their UFOs, professional boats or colourful deep-sea fish: children identify, compare and differentiate shapes, colours, figures, shadows, shapes, patterns, mirrors, positions, quantities, numbers and symbols in exciting play variations and assign them correctly. The themes of the individual panels also offer a variety of discourses. Contents: 24 coloured papers (size 7.5 x 7.5 cm). two identical patterns in different colours form a pair of cards. Instructions.

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