μόνο 2 διαθέσιμα

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Eva knows how to help herself! The smart girl is a child like any other. In some cases, however, his special talent shows: with wit and unusual ideas, Eva finds surprising solutions to small everyday problems. The children watch the episodes enthusiastically until the “Eve has an idea!” symbol appears. on one of the picture cards. Now the world is confused with impatience about the idea of Eve. The astonishment is great when the unfolding of the story is revealed. Contents: – Eva and the neighbour’s dog – Eva doesn’t need an umbrella – Eva in her sick bed – Eva has to pick raspberries – Eva and the flat bicycle tyre – Eva and transporting the wounded man – Eve makes a nest box – Eve the pastry chef – Eve on the Internet – Eve rescues a kitten – Eve makes fashion – Eve and the street musician. 12 picture series, each with 5-7 pictures, total 70 cards 9 x 9 cm, instructions. Suitable for: all ages.

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