The Therapeutic Orofacial Massager is a battery-powered speech therapy device used during the treatment of the orofacial system to either enhance or relax the orofacial muscles intraorally and extraorally.

Its design and construction are based on long-term engagement and experience in addressing myofunctional disorders of the orofacial muscular system. Each component has a different function, targeting the activation or relaxation of specific muscles or muscle systems.

The components of the Therapeutic Orofacial Massager are unique and designed to facilitate therapeutic work.

  • OralMassager 04
  • OralMassager 01
  • OralMassager 07
  • OralMassager 05 1
  • OralMassager 02
  • OralMassager 03
  • OralMassager 08

The set includes four (4) attachments, which can be quickly fitted to the device to avoid delaying the therapeutic process:

  • The Spatula attachment is a global innovation as it accommodates a disposable wooden tongue depressor, which, after use, does not require disinfection but simple replacement with another disposable tongue depressor, saving the therapist time and effort. It is used to relax or strengthen the intraoral buccal muscles (masticatory), as well as the tongue and lip muscles.
  • The Ball attachment is used locally to enhance or relax the perioral muscles. If used intraorally, it must be disinfected.
  • The Disc attachment is used for massaging and relaxing the perioral and facial muscles (cheeks, chin muscle). The buccal muscle massage is performed in the direction of the muscles.
  • The Acupressor attachment is used locally to enhance or relax the external muscles of the mouth floor.

The construction of the Therapeutic Orofacial Massager is made with material that offers antimicrobial protection. The Therapeutic Orofacial Massager is powered by an AA battery and has CE certification according to European legislation.

The Therapeutic Orofacial Massager was designed by the company D. Psomopoulos & Co. and manufactured by the company KALFOPLAST A.E.

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